Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I had to stop and laugh last week as I was wishing Dillon a great day at school and telling him to “make good choices today, ok buddy?”. Am I a good example of making good choices? Do I heed my own advice? If I expect my seven year old to make good choices, then why shouldn't I expect myself to also make good choices? It's so easy to blame others when we don't make good choices. Several weeks ago I found myself whining to a male friend at the gym about how my hubby makes it so very hard for me when he constantly wants and asks for non-healthy foods and snacks and when he chooses not to come to the gym with me. Ever. He put me in my place by saying, “Oh come on, my wife has never set foot in this place and I work here and work out here! That's no excuse!”. So true. And even though my hubby makes my healthy choices a tad more difficult for me, I should still respect his “choices” even though they aren't exactly what I'd wish for. It's definitely not easy, but it's still my choice to rise above or succumb to my surroundings.
Here is something from a friend's fb page that hit home for me this week (yes, that's you Robert!): " You are the ANSWER. No matter what is going on around you, that which is in you determines how far you go. I personally don't engage in activities in which I can blame anyone or anything but myself. I realize I was born with the ability to choose what I think, how I act, the way I treat others, and my attitude. Take a long look at yourself, determine what you want your life to be and just go get it". RDP

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